Blueberry App to Soon be Offered in Spanish Translation

Web AdminBerries, Florida, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Blueberry Growers Guide phone app pays dividends for producers needing timely information. It will soon be offered in a Spanish translation as well, according to Doug Phillips, UF/IFAS blueberry Extension coordinator at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center.

“We know some farm managers and other folks, Spanish is their first language and English is the second. Hopefully that’s something that makes this a little bit more helpful tool for some folks,” Phillips said.

Phillips said the translation process is ongoing, and a Spanish version of the smart phone application should be offered in 2022.

App Benefits

Doug Phillips

The app guides growers scouting for diseases, pests and nutrient deficiencies, says Phillips.

“The goal is to have something that’s in the grower’s phone. So they’ve got all of this information right in their pockets. They’re out in the field, scouting and it’s a useful tool to look at some images and descriptions and try to narrow down what the issue is they may be seeing,” Phillips said. “We still encourage folks to send samples up to the Plant Diagnostic Center in Gainesville for a firm diagnosis, especially for significant issues. But this is a good field scouting tool. People can go and compare images. They can look at descriptions and say, ‘Okay, this is what I’ve got going on,’ and investigate it further.”

Blueberries are valued around $60 million annually. Growers need to be more efficient to combat increased imports and rising costs associated with inputs. If they can detect problems before they become widespread, that will only help their bottom line.

“That’s the goal to have it be an inclusive tool. The idea was instead of the grower having to go to and pay for multiple sources for information, have everything all in one spot or linked easily from that one app,” Phillips said.