What to Do About Pepper Diseases in Georgia

Web AdminBell peppers, Disease, Peppers, Vegetables

By Bhabesh Dutta Anthracnose in pepper is caused by a fungal group of pathogens belonging to mainly Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum. TWO TYPES OF ANTHRACNOSEAnthracnose in pepper is a common issue that pepper growers face, particularly after sun scalding of fruits. This type of anthracnose is called “secondary anthracnose” as the fungal pathogen needs some kind of injury to …

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus on Rise in North Carolina

Web AdminDisease, Peppers, Tomatoes

By Clint Thompson High populations of thrips meant a surge in tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in North Carolina tomatoes this season. Inga Meadows, North Carolina (N.C.) State Extension specialist, discusses the uptick in thrips activity this year. Since thrips vector the virus, that meant more incidences of TSWV. “In some parts of North Carolina, we’ve had quite a bit …

A Primary Challenge to Pepper Production

Web AdminDisease, Peppers, Research

By Pamela Roberts, Aastha Subedi, Erica Goss and Jeffrey Jones Bacterial spot of pepper is one of the most common and chronic disease challenges to pepper production. Infection can occur on the stems, leaves and fruit of the pepper plant. SYMPTOMS AND SPREADSymptoms on the leaves start as small, water-soaked (dark, greasy-like spots) areas that are light brown at first …

Managing Phytophthora Blight on Pepper

Web AdminDisease, Peppers, Tomatoes

Phytophthora blight disease on pepper and tomato has been observed in South Carolina vegetable fields, according to Clemson plant pathologist Tony Keinath and Extension agent Andy Rollins in The South Carolina Grower. Heavy rainfall in the Upstate from May 23 to May 26 led to the disease emergence after June 1. The saturated soils provided an ideal environment for oospores …

Peppers: Industry Expert Provides Market, Production Updates

Web AdminPeppers

Neil Mazal, with East Coast Farms and Vegetables in Lake Worth, Florida, provided an update on pepper production and current market prices. Some of the highlights included: The red pepper market is very strong. There was a flush of red pepper out of Mexico that’s dried up. The field grown red pepper in Florida are done. Canada is not ready …

Pepper Weevil Impact in Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Peppers, Pests

High populations of pepper weevil are being reported in various fields across South Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. Populations are high in all locations across the Southwest Florida region. Some younger plantings may not be harvested at all due to most fruit being infested. Adult pepper weevils are feeding on buds and flowers. The same …

Bacterial Spot: Active but Declining in South Florida

Web AdminDisease, Peppers, Tomatoes

Bacterial spot disease continues to be active on tomato and susceptible pepper varieties across Southwest Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. However, overall disease pressure has declined with the recent dry weather in the southern part of the state. The disease continues to be widespread in fields in Homestead, Florida and is starting to become prevalent …

Pepper Weevils a Problem in South Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Peppers, Pests

Pepper weevil populations continue to be high across South Florida. Growers should be scouting as populations are expected to intensify when warmer temperatures return to the region, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. Populations are high around Southwest Florida and along the East Coast where weevils are being observed not long after fruit development. Respondents also report …

Bacterial Spot Remains Problematic for Tomato, Pepper Growers

Web AdminDisease, Peppers, Tomatoes

Bacterial spot disease continues to be a significant problem for tomato and pepper in southwest Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. It has flared in susceptible varieties due to the few rain events that have occurred. Non-resistance pepper looks rough in most fields. Respondents in Homestead, Florida, indicate that disease pressure is widespread. It is starting …

Whitefly Severity Varies Across Florida

Web AdminCucurbits, Florida, Peppers, Pests, Tomatoes

Whitefly populations continue to vary in Florida vegetable fields. According to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline, adult whiteflies are being observed in melons, eggplant, tomatoes and peppers in Southwest Florida. Respondents in Homestead indicate that whiteflies are present in tomatoes, beans and squash. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus is widespread in tomato, though most fields are still under …